Leading Africa’s Industrialization Agenda

When the Peduase Declaration was made by the Government of Ghana in 2019, the unique initiative for widespread industrialization in Ghana set in motion the need to train young Ghanaians with the core capabilities in advanced manufacturing engineering technologies, systems integration protocols, advanced material systems, and integrated product development capabilities.

As nations across Africa turn to industrialization as the main driver for economic growth, mastering the skill for the innovative deployment of technology to enhance productivity cannot be overemphasized.

Academic City University College, Ghana has taken up the challenge to deploy a cutting-edge program in Industrial and Systems Engineering benchmarking leading institution across the world offering similar top-notch and time-tested programs

September 2025 Intake Is Open

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Top Careers In Industrial & Systems Engineering

BSc Industrial & Systems Engineering

As a graduate of Industrial and Systems Engineering from ACity, you have a wide melange of possible career paths you can pursue. Our focus to ready leaders who can work and succeed as:

 Manufacturing Engineer  Quality Control Expert
 Industrial Engineer  Robotics Engineer
 Safety Engineer  Logistician

Entry Requirements

Minimum C6 in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)

Minimum D or a pass in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)

Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and 3 passes in the A-Levels. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory).

Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and a minimum score of 4 points in 3 Higher Level (HL) subjects. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory)

Minimum of 50% overall average pass. (subject to approval NAB) Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory

Minimum GPA of 3.0 (Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory)

BSc Industrial & Systems Engineering

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More Information

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Course Outline

 Communication Skills

 French Language

 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) Seminar I

 Introduction to Engineering

 Introduction to Programming with Python

 Physical Sciences

 Pre-Calculus (with MATLAB)

 Technology and Society

 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (with MATLAB)

 Engineering Mechanics

 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) Seminar II

 Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering

 Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design

 Logic and Critical Thinking

 Sensors, Measurements and Instrumentation

 Text and Meaning

 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (with MATLAB)

 Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD and CAM)

 Computing in Industrial and Systems Engineering

 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) I

 Introduction to Material Science and Engineering

 Leadership Seminar I

 Electricity and Optics

 African Studies

 Applied Linear Algebra (with MATLAB)

 Data Management for Industrial and Systems Engineers (ISEs)

 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship II

 Manufacturing Processes I

 Probability, Statistics and Reliability (with MATLAB)

 Design of Experiments

 Deterministic Operations Research - Optimisation

 Differential Equations (with MATLAB)

 Production Planning and Inventory Control

 Leadership Seminar II

 Manufacturing Processes II

 Mechanics of Materials

 Discrete-Event Computer Simulation

 Human Factors and Ergonomics

 Industrial Ergonomics and Work Measurements

 Industry Internship

 Probabilistic Operations Research - Stochastic Models

 Project Management, Engineering Economics and Risk Analysis

 Statistical Quality Control

 Industrial Automation and Robotics

 Lean Manufacturing

 Logistics Engineering

 Project Phase I

 Technical Elective I

 Technical Elective II

 Environmental Science and Engineering

 Occupational Safety and Hazard Control

 Professional Ethics and Values

 Project Phase II

 Technical Elective III

 Technical Elective IV


 Micro and Nano Manufacturing

 Welding Engineering

 Digital Manufacturing

 Laser Processing

 Computer Control of Manufacturing Processes

 Industrial Robotics and Flexible Assembly

 Industrial Control Systems

 Optimization of Large Systems

 Advanced CAD and CAM

 Computer Aided Design and Prototyping

 Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Practices Quality Control

 Design for Manufacturability

 Advanced Manufacturing Processes

 Integrated Production Systems

 Advanced Manufacturing Operations

 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

September 2025 Intake Is Open

Our Unique Learning Pillars

  • Experiential Learning

    Hands-on learning to prepare students to readily apply concepts, to easily integrate into the workspace.

  • Contextual Learning

    Solving real grass-root problems to expose students to the local context and develop empathy towards the continent’s progress.

  • Unified Learning

    A project-based approach that combines concepts across courses to connect the dots and enable unified learning.

  • Extensional Learning

    Arms students with a viable toolkit to help them confront real-life issues, they may not have encountered during their academic life, squarely.