BSc Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Be Ready for an Electrifying Future!
Did you know “the first practical application of electricity was the telegraph, invented by Samuel F.B. Morse in 1837?”
Did you know “the need for electrical engineers was not felt until the invention of the telephone (1876) by Alexander Graham Bell and of the incandescent lamp (1878) by Thomas A. Edison?”
Since the post-world war years, Electrical and Electronics Engineering programs have made a significant foray into an interdisciplinary field of studies combining electronics, telecommunication, computer science and engineering, robotics, aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, and artificial Intelligence. Currently, active research areas include applied electromagnetics, biomedical engineering, power and energy systems, signal and image processing, wireless communications, and unmanned systems. Definitely, the field is set to direct the future of industry.
BSc Electrical and Electronics Engineering at ACity
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering students at ACity engage in a technical discipline featuring the in-depth study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems that use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism for the development of groundbreaking products. Our focus is to produce versatile graduates who seamlessly blend theoretical and practical know-how to solve contemporary and involving problems in electrical and electronics engineering.
September 2024 Intake Is Open

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Top Careers in Electrical And Electronics Engineering

There is a wide range of career opportunities available for students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Be it in telecommunications or energy, there is space for everyone. Here are some top careers in the field:
Computer Hardware Engineer | Biomedical Engineer |
Aerospace Engineer | Electrical Engineer |
Systems Analyst |
Entry Requirements
Minimum C6 in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)
Minimum D or a pass in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)
Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and 3 passes in the A-Levels. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory).
Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and a minimum score of 4 points in 3 Higher Level (HL) subjects. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory)
Minimum of 50% overall average pass. (subject to approval NAB) Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory)

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Course Outline
Communication Skills
French Language
Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) Seminar I
Introduction to Engineering
Introduction to Programming with Python
Physical Sciences
Pre-Calculus (with MATLAB)
Technology and Society
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (with MATLAB)
Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) Seminar II
Introduction to Multidisciplinary Design
Logic and Critical Thinking
Programming in C
Sensors, Measurements and Instrumentation
Text and Meaning
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (with MATLAB)
Circuit Theory
Electrical Energy Conversion and Green Electronics
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Theory
Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) I
Introduction to Material Science and Engineering
Leadership Seminar I
African Studies
Applied Linear Algebra (with MATLAB)
Electrical Machines
Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIE) II
Introduction to Contemporary Electric Power Systems
Probability, Statistics and Reliability (with MATLAB)
Differential Equations(with MATLAB)
Digital Systems Design
Leadership Seminar II
Numerical Methods(with MATLAB)
Power Electronics
Signals and Systems
Systems Dynamics
Automatic Control Systems
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Embedded Systems
Industry Internship
Principles of Communication Systems
Project Management, Engineering Economics and Risk Analysis
Engineering Thermodynamics
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability
Project Phase I
Technical Elective – I
Technical Elective – II
Environmental Science and Engineering
Professional Ethics and Values
Project Phase II
Technical Elective – III
Technical Elective – IV
Smart Grid
Solid State Electronic Devices
Energy Management for a Sustainable Future
Green Electronics
Microwave Engineering
Radio Frequency (RF)
Circuits Design
Optoelectronic Devices
VLSI Design
Advanced Control Systems
Industrial Automation and Robotics
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Modeling and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems
Advanced Control Systems
Computer Architecture and Organisation
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Modeling and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems
Advanced Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Power System Operation and Control Electric Power Systems Analysis and Design
Power System Protection and Switchgear
Biomedical Instrumentation
Biomedical Signal Analysis
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
Wireless Networks