Communication For Development

The metonymic adage “The pen is mightier than the sword” perfectly encapsulates the power of information, journalism and communication. With information being the new currency, journalism and communication professionals wield enormous power to advance progressive change in their communities and countries.

From news-gathering to news making, to ethical investigative journalism and effective communication the program takes students on an exploratory journey of storytelling, emotive journalism and strategic communication that inspires positive thinking and action.

September 2025 Intake Is Open

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Top Careers in Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

Graduates of this program will be able to select, create, apply, integrate, and administer computing technologies to meet the needs of users within societal and organizational contexts.

Possible career paths include:

Corporate Communications Specialist Social Media Marketing Analyst
Public Relations Specialist Social Media Manager
Broadcast Journalist News Reporter

Entry Requirements

Minimum C6 in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)

Minimum D or a pass in 6 subjects including 3 core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated/General Science) and 3 elective subjects. (Physics, Elective Mathematics + Chemistry OR any other elective relevant to the chosen Program)

Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and 3 passes in the A-Levels. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory).

Minimum of 5 credit passes in the IGCSE/O-Levels (Mathematics and English mandatory) and a minimum score of 4 points in 3 Higher Level (HL) subjects. (Elective/Add/Further Mathematics and Physics mandatory)

Minimum of 50% overall average pass. (subject to approval NAB) Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory

Minimum GPA of 3.0 (Mathematics, English and Physics mandatory)

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Course Outline

 Fundamentals of Information Technology

 Communication Skills I

 French Language

 Introduction to Communication Studies

 Basic Mathematics

 Principles of Macroeconomics

 Communication Skills II

 African Studies

 Logic and Critical Thinking

 Fundamentals of Journalism

 Introduction to Social Psychology

 Writing for Media

 Language use in Communication

 Introduction to Advertising

 History of Media

 Introduction to Photojournalism

 News Reporting

 Internet & New Media

 Visual Communication

 Introduction to Cinema

 Fundamentals of Print Journalism

 Research Methods


 Advanced Writing for Media

 Magazine Journalism

 Interviewing & Reporting

 Online Journalism

 Radio Journalism & Broadcasting

 Elective I

 TV Journalism & Broadcasting

 Management & Organizational Behaviour

 Theories of Communication

 Media Research

 Design Workshop I

 Elective II

 Industrial Internship

 Investigative Journalism

 Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation

 Media, Culture & Society

 Negotiation Skills

 Elective III

 Journalistic Project I

 Media Criticism

 Media Law & Ethics

 Issues in Ghanaian Media

  Development Communication

 Elective IV

 Journalistic Project 2


 Intercultural Communication

 Media Sales & Promotions

 Marketing Communications

 Introduction to Documentary Film Making

 Crisis Management

 Design Workshop II (With Adobe)

 Journalism specialised in Politics

 Journalism specialised in Sports

 Writing for Digital Media

 Journalism specialised in International Affairs

 Journalism specialised in Technology

 Advanced Photography

September 2025 Intake Is Open

Our Unique Learning Pillars

  • Experiential Learning

    Hands-on learning to prepare students to readily apply concepts, to easily integrate into the workspace.

  • Contextual Learning

    Solving real grass-root problems to expose students to the local context and develop empathy towards the continent’s progress.

  • Unified Learning

    A project-based approach that combines concepts across courses to connect the dots and enable unified learning.

  • Extensional Learning

    Arms students with a viable toolkit to help them confront real-life issues, they may not have encountered during their academic life, squarely.